Always available, always online
Customised Hotel Booking Engine
We understand what it takes to sell accommodation online, from rates to photography. We will customise your booking engine to suit your brand and theme of your website. Your accommodation will be available to book online 24/7
Everything you need to receive bookings online anytime
- Internet Booking Engine (IBE)
- Seamless integration with your website.
- Simple booking process.
- Mobile device and desktop friendly.
- Include payment and cancellation policies to your booking engine which covers you and keeps your guests informed.
- Clean design layout and usability making it simple for all users to find and book accommodation.

Our Customised Internet Booking Engine (IBE) is just a part of the solution when it comes to what we offer.
Check out our Property Management System and what our Channel Manager can do.
Contact Us
Find out more about how Pub Rooms for Business can help you with your accommodation management today.